Law Offices of Mark Robinette

Finder’s Fees and “Lost” Mineral Rights in Arkansas–What to Know When You’ve Agreed to an Heir or Property Finding Contract.

In tough economic times such as these, a letter like this in the mail provides welcome news:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am with a company that helps others find lost property.  I believe you have claims to minerals in Arkansas.  Our fees are just 40% of the amount of the property recovered.   Please give me a call at 555-555-5555.
Best Regards,
John Heir Finder

What’s wrong with this picture?

By Arkansas law, a non-attorney cannot accept a fee of more than 10% in an heir-finding contract.  In other words, the “finding” portion of the fee can only be 10%.  The example solicitation is 4x times the fee for a non-attorney heir finder.   The non-attorney heir finder will not be able to represent you in Court.  You may have to pay for the attorney on top of the heir finder’s fee!

If you’ve signed a contract with a non-attorney heir finder that is in excess of 10%, then you may have a case under the Arkansas Unclaimed Property Act.  Give attorney Mark Robinette a call at 501-251-1076 for a case evaluation.  You can recover all of your money in excess of the 10%, sometimes more!

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